
Hey! I’m Kaitlyn. I wanted to introduce myself and include a blog on my site so that you can get to know me more. I believe that there is a direct link between someone’s life and their art, so getting to know me may help give you insight into my work. I’ll be sharing about my everyday life, my work, and my adventures. I hope that this will also be a place that I can get to know you. I want to hear from you, know what connects you to my art, and what is important to you. So shoot me a message when you get a chance.

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A little more about me… I grew up outside of DC, in Northern Virginia (NOVA, for all the locals out there). I went to college at Elon University, and had the best experience. I made great friends, cheered on the coed cheer team, learned a ton (about my majors and about life), and I met the man who would become my husband. At Elon, I doubled majored in Fine Arts & Psychology. Feeling a little burnt out on art after college, I pursued a career in counseling. After getting my Masters at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, I became a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate (LCMHCA, the longest title ever). I currently work as both a counselor and an artist.

I have two dogs, and I think they’re incredibly cute. I’ll tell you all about them if you ask. I love Harry Potter. I consider the characters childhood friends. My favorite nights include great people, long meals, and good wine. I really like reading cookbooks, but I’m pretty picky about which ones. There has to be good pictures for almost every recipe and stories included with the recipes. I want to know who made the recipes and what inspires them. I prefer walking over driving or biking. I’d walk everywhere if I could, but only if the weather is right. I own way too many Christmas decorations. I blame my mother, she decorates the entire house and I definitely take after her. I love traveling and my dream is to take a month every year to live in a new spot. I don’t want to just see the sights, I want to feel the culture.

There’s a lot more I could tell you about myself, but I’ll start with that. At the risk of sounding like I’m giving a toast on the Bachelor, I’m so excited to start this journey, and I can’t wait to get to know all of you.

