Feeling Beauty


Something that has always been hard for me to explain is that I don’t just see beauty, I feel it. My mind has created these connections that just link together. It’s like the air on the first warm spring morning complimenting the tulips bursting with color, and the flash of a memory of folding sheets with my mom with the joy of a child running loose in the yard. It could be seeing the lights on a Christmas tree and feeling like I’m falling into them, surrounded by pops of color and memories of Christmases past, smelling the faint smell of gas of the old furnace in my Nana’s house.

Maybe there are others who experience life this way too, but it is just so hard to explain. There are emotions attached to everything. Memories complied since childhood. Everything is an experience.

I believe that each person sees life differently. It’s a combination of who they were born to be, and what they have had to go through that create this unique outlook. There are some people who look around and see ways to solve problems, others look around and see ways to better care for people, but I think artists have a unique ability to look around and find ways to express the beauty in every area of life – the light and the dark. 

Someone asked me  how being an artist has changed by view of the world, but I don’t think I ever became an artist…I think I always was. Maybe I wasn’t creating work to sell, but my mind started making these connections when I was a child. It started connecting memories, feelings, and senses. This is where my creativity is born, and what sustains it. Each piece I create is a compilation of all of these things. So maybe being an artists hasn’t changed my view of the world, because being an artist is my worldview.


Hands in Art


Chronic Pain & Surgery – Part 2